About : Font panel and font generator data structures
Font Panel ( SVG / ANSI / UNICODE and Editable Fonts )
4 different font categories are available : ANSI and Unicode international System fonts (installed on Windows) , the SVG fonts (for grayscale 256) based on vector graphics for a better anti-aliasing quality, and Freely Editable Font, for customized bitmap glyphs.
Unicode block selection (green frame)
Font Panel ( EDITABLE Font )
An Editable Font can be an import of a system font + edits or created from scratch.
In this example only 5 chars
List of the existing Editable Fonts (blue frame)
Font Panel ( ANSI Font )
Font Settings in 3 panels : Structure, Header, and Data (green frames)
The parameters can be edited (when green background) in these 3 fields (red frame)
The chars selected in the Grid (blue frame) will be exported to data
Font panel > Structure Parameters
The Parameters in the green frame are separated for each Data Structure (1st Parameter of this list) These data are then present or not in the Descriptor blocs of the output data.
Font panel > Data Parameters
Font panel > Headers Parameters
The font headers such as the description and the font header code exported at the top of the data output.
Font panel > Font Data Structure
Data Structures :
Raw Data, Font Bloc, Structured and DMD struct are different outputs layouts for fonts.
The differences in headers, bitmap glyphs and descriptors
To get GLCD fonts with better antialiasingrendering quality, in apps with grayscale TFT displays (256 gray shades) Bitmap2LCD can output Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG fonts)
The Data format and Data Structure Parameters for the export of Graphic LCD Fonts have been extended and split in two tabs on the Font Panel.
The Tab names are Data and Struct and Header
There’s a choice between 4 different GLCD data structures.
The Font character descriptors / Font Char Header information / can optionally be enabled or disabled and their order of appearance in the code defined.
CharacterDescriptors / Font Char Header
Switch the needed descriptors to True or False, if you need them or not in your code export. the adjust then order of their appearance in the code at the right.
Char Adress : It’s the Ascii Code of the Char (In the case of Editable Custom Fonts, you can adjust the Ascii Offset in the Data Parameters to adjust the Char address.
Start Address : Start Address of the Data array of the char.
Char Width Bits : Width in bits of the char.
Char Height Bits : Height in bits of the char.
Char Size Bytes : Size in bytes of the char.
Char Size Bits : Size in bits of the char. Example : If the bottom right pixel of the char is X18 , Y31 (in the Char Grid of the Font Panel) + the X0 Y0 bits, so 19 bits in width x 32 bits in height, the Char size in Bits is 19 x 32 = 608 pixels
An X and Y Offset system is available to remove lines of blank pixels in the code ( char background ) and save memory space. The blank lines at the top and at the bottom of the data are removed from the code output and replaced by Offsets in the descriptors.
Char Spacing : Spacing adjustment in pixels chars.
For this subject, also read this article about character spacing with kerning pairs :
There’s a default/active Codepage installed in your basic Windows installation. The active Codepage depends on your Region/geographic location.
On the ANSI Font Panel, a System Codepagecombobox allows a quick selection of the ANSI Font character encoding without the need to modify the Windows installation.
A code page is a character encoding and as such it is a specific association of a set of printable characters and control characters with unique numbers…
In typography, kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. Kerning adjusts the space between individual letter forms…
From Version 4.0 Extended Edition , a new Kerning feature has been implemented in the Bitmap2LCD software tool.
For its use on microsystems with Graphic LCD (GLCD) , the table of Kerning Pairs (1st char, 2nd Char, Pixel Shift in X) corresponding to a particular Font Name, its size and style (Bold, italic..) can be exported to a file as source code
Export > Bitmap2LCD Extended Edition only !
Click Grids/Excel Button
Load the Kerning Pairs List for the current Font and Font Size
Export the Kerning Pairs List to Source/Text file
Kerning Pairs Export inside the Editor (Graphics Preview and Editors Window)