Export of the Kerning Pairs for GLCD
In typography, kerning is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result. Kerning adjusts the space between individual letter forms…

From Version 4.0 Extended Edition , a new Kerning feature has been implemented in the Bitmap2LCD software tool.
For its use on microsystems with Graphic LCD (GLCD) , the table of Kerning Pairs (1st char, 2nd Char, Pixel Shift in X) corresponding to a particular Font Name, its size and style (Bold, italic..) can be exported to a file as source code
Export > Bitmap2LCD Extended Edition only !
- Click Grids/Excel Button
- Load the Kerning Pairs List for the current Font and Font Size
- Export the Kerning Pairs List to Source/Text file

Kerning Pairs Export inside the Editor (Graphics Preview and Editors Window)