Tag Archives: graphic processing

Convert Multiple Bitmap Files into Data in one run

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

Update > From Bitmap2LCD V4.5a

Convert Multiple Bitmap, JPG or PNG Files into Data files in one run

Important : Not available for conversions to monochrome !

Bitmap2LCD can in one single run, load all files of the defined graphic type located in a defined folder, convert them to GLCD data and save them in a sub directory of the defined batch source folder.

Create a new folder for the graphic source files. For example …\Pictures\Batch and copy all the graphic source files to convert into this \batch subfolder.

In the Configuration Settings Panel (yellow arrow), prepare the settings (green arrow)

The current selected folder in the File explorer, will be defined in the Folder field by clicking the yellow folder button (red circle) Then define the source Files extension as JPG or PNG or BMP …

If you want converted bitmaps then check then Create converted bitmaps checkbox.

This Batch processing Program is preexists. Click at the right of the All Batch Scripts Bar (orange arrow) and select ConvertMultipleGraphicFiles.SPP.

The Batch program appears in the edit area (Purple arrow)

In the Batch Processing Main menu, you can Activate the current Batch (blue arrow) and see the activated batch Active batch = name.SPP

Run Batch Multiple will start the batch processing (green arrow)

Run the process and wait.

When the processing journal appears, the batch processing has been completed.

The output files can be found in the …\batch\_processed folder

Older Bitmap2LCD versions

A mouse right click inside the programming field will show you a pop up menu !

  • Do not forget to activate this batch ( check active processing batch is… label )
  • Define source folder of all the graphic files in the settings ( see 2nd screenshot below )
  • Check/modify the Work canvas size, in this example, all source bitmaps will be resized to canvas size !
  • Check/modify the normal data output format settings
  • Start the processing ( red arrow )
  • Read the processing report
  • bitmap2lcd graphic files batch

From Bitmap2LCD V3.7

Buttons have been moved to the the main Menu

  • Select the batch for multiple files processing in the configuration settings -> Batch Tab and define the currently active folder in the file explorer as the “Folder for Graphic Processing of Multiple Files” Folder.
  • The converted Output files will be saved during the process to the above defined source files folder + sub-folder \processed
  • Also check/modify the Graphic File Extension field. (green Arrow)
  • bitmap2lcd graphic files batch settings

At the end of the processing run, you can read the processing report as shown below.

In the example below, color bitmaps are converted to 16 level grayscale

bitmap2lcd graphic files batch report

Bitmap2LCD : Batch Programming

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

From Bitmap2LCD V2.9 and upwards, article update V3.6h

Note : Additional Processing functions will be implemented in the future

Bitmap2LCD : Batch Programming

A batch program is a set of conditions, functions etc… one per line.

The program can’t be edited directly by writing texts. Any action must be made inside the field indicated by the red and green arrows. Cursor is a highlighted line. Cursor moves are made using keyboard up and down keys or by clicking on the destination program line.

  • Use the tabs to browse the group of basic functions ( Blue arrow )
  • Use the Comboboxes to select and program the condition/setting or function. ( red arrows ) In the Edit Mode, insert the selected function as next to the current cursor position with return key.
  • Use the Edit fields ( green arrow ) to edit a constant like an index (numeric), a text (chars) or a comment (chars)
  • Call the pop-up menu ( purple arrow ) by clicking the right mouse key inside the white program field.
  • Move up or down a program function with the up and down buttons ( gray arrow ) or use alternative CTRL+UP and CTRL+DOWN key combination
  • Next to the gray arrow, a label indicates the current View or Edit mode : A Batch can only be modified in Edit Mode

bitmap2lcd Batch Programming_2

Update V3.7c

Buttons have been moved into the main menu !


To start a batch processing, it must be active ( red arrow ) ( You can have many batch programs on disk to choose from )

Activating a batch can be made with a button ( green arrow ) or by clicking an item in the pop-up menu (Right Mouse click)

A batch processing can be started with two buttons : ( blue arrow ) A single processing (left side of blue arrow) or a processing on multiple files located in a defined folder (right side of blue arrow ). A processing can also be started in the Batch Processing main menu.

Batch Processing files ( .SPP  ) are always located in the defined Project Output Files folder. To view a list the batches on disk, click on the list batch button or use the pop up menu item.

Bitmap2LCD : Graphic Processing Functions

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

From Bitmap2LCD V2.9 and upwards , article update V3.6h

Bitmap2LCD : Graphic Processing Functions

Note : Additional Processing functions will be implemented in the future


load graphic ‘filename’           

Loads the defined graphic defined under filename in the Graphics Library Folder into the Work Canvas, converts the graphic to the configured graphic mode. ( grayscale,color ) No directory allowed under ‘filename‘ !

For multiple graphic file processing , there must not be a filename defined :  ‘filename’

convert graphic to hex

Converts the work Canvas to a Data Array inside the Text Editor

overwrite text file

Saves or Overwrites (without prompt if already exists) the text file with the text Editor Content. Filename is the same as the graphic source file name with configured data file extension, and is saved in the defined output files folder.

For multiple file processing , the output files are saved in a subdirectory of the graphic files source folder


Bitmap2LCD : Introducing The Programmable Graphic Processing

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

Bitmap2LCD : Introducing The Programmable Graphic Processing

From Bitmap2LCD V2.9 and up to V3.0, then obsolete

( from V3.0+ these functions have been moved inside the single batch processing feature

The Graphic Processing Panel can be found in the Graphics Preview and Editors Window, by clicking the Graphic Processing Tab (red arrow)

The program field (green arrow) can’t be directly edited as text : The selection of functions and the edition of values and characters can only be done in the programming panel (gray arrow)

In the bar of icons (purple arrow) and the pop-up menu (blue arrow) (accessible by a right click) , you can edit a batch, activate a batch, list all existing processing batches and select one, The two icons pointed by the purple arrow are the Processing Start buttons : The left one starts a single Processing Pass, the right one starts the processing on multiple files, located in a selected folder.

A Graphic Processing Batch file has a .SIP extension

Batch Graphic Processing_1


The graphic processing settings are located in the Settings Window Graphic Proc Tab

There are the fields to define the batch in the list (at the top) and the source folder where the multiple files to process are located and their graphic extension (for example .bmp)

Note : To define this source folder, first select the folder in the file explorer and then click the yellow button below. The output files of a multiple file processing batch will be saved in a sub folder of the defined folder.

If not programmatically modified, the current main settings like color/grayscale the data output format and other settings are active when running the processing.

Batch Graphic Processing_2