Tag Archives: define subdivision area

Work Canvas Subdivisions

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

Work Canvas Subdivisions

Update V3.7c

There’s a feature to split the Work Canvas in fixed parts ( subdivisions ) located in the Work Canvas main menu ( green arrow )

How to Define a Subdivision :

  1. Subdivision Menu item : Open / Create Work Canvas Subdivisions ( green arrow )
  2. Draw an area in the work Canvas with the mouse
  3. Make a Subdivision with the area ( blue arrow )


Note: The subdivisions must fit inside the paging scheme lines , the horizontal or vertical red lines.


When all needed subdivisions were defined, quit the subdivision creating mode ( red arrow )

A set of subdivisions is attached to the current project name. They are saved and reloaded automatically.

To delete a Subdivision, select the area in the Work Canvas and press delete.

These Work Canvas Subdivisions can separately be exported to data arrays (see example below)
