Tag Archives: text editor processing

Bitmap2LCD : Text Processing Functions

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

From Bitmap2LCD V2.9 and upwards

Bitmap2LCD : Text Processing Functions

Note : Additional Processing functions will be implemented in the future

The batch conditions and functions listed below, are available for programaticaly modifying the text editor content. A condition block (IF.. / WHILE..) can be followed by one or more functions (THEN..) A single condition block applies from the first to the last line to the whole text editor content. Next condition block again applies to the whole editor content…

Internal Batch System Variables

The batch system has internal variables holding informations such as :

Internal Index : The char index (or position) in the text editor line, where a ‘text’ or an other data has been found. This internal index can be used in a following ‘then’ function by letting ‘index’ as it is next to the function (= no index number)

Internal Text Buffer : A text buffer where lines can be copied to

Current Hex Value : The last Hex value found for example by the get hex function

Hex Length Value : The Length of a hexadecimal value

Current Integer Value : The last Integer value found for example by the get integer function

Current Float Value : The last floating point value value found for example by the get float  function

Current Flag : A boolean status flag ( True or false )


Undefined Conditions

if unconditional

Unconditionally Set condition = True , execute list of functions on any text editor line

Hexadecimal Conditions and Functions

if hex in line           

Condition = True when a hex string (as user defined in the configuration settings ) is found in the line ( A hex value is defined by its prefix or suffix  ( for example prefix like 0x or $ or a suffix like h

while hex in line

Condition is and remains true while a hex value is found in the line, usefull for example, in a line of 16 hex values.


then get hex (index)

If condition was True, gets the hex value specified by index ( first hex value index being index = 0 )  Internal Index variable holds the char index where the hex value has been found.


then insert hex (index)

If condition was True, Inserts the current hex value in string on position specified by index.
If no numeric index specified, inserts hex on Internal Index value.


then overwrite hex

If condition was True, overwrites the current hex value in string on position on current index position.


Text and  Conditions and Functions


if ‘text’           

Condition = True when the defined string under ‘text’ is found in the line

Internal Index variable holds the index where ‘text’  has been found.


if not ‘text’           

Condition = True when the defined string under ‘text’ wasn’t found in the line


while ‘text’           

Condition is and remains true while the defined string under ‘text’ is found in the line

Remark : The defined ‘text’ might be deleted or modified in a function afterwards to prevent a loop without end.


and ‘text’  ,  and not ‘text’ ,  or ‘text’ ,  or not ‘text’  

self speaking conditions, to extend if conditions


then overwrite (index) ‘text’

If condition was True, overwrites text editor line from index position with specified ‘text’

Uses internal index value if index was’nt specified


then insert (index) ‘text’

If condition was True, inserts in text editor line from index position the specified ‘text’

Uses internal index value if index was’nt specified


then remove ‘text’

If condition was True, removes in the text editor line, the specified ‘text’


then delete until ‘text’

If condition was True, deletes chars in the text editor line from the internal index position to the position of ‘text’



Line Number Conditions and Functions

if line number (index)

Condition = True if line number of text editor has been reached


if last line

Condition = True if last line of text editor has been reached


then delete line

If condition was True, deltes the current text editor line


then next line

If condition was True, jumps to the next line of text editor


then insert line

If condition was True, inserts a line at current line of text editor


Flag Conditions and Functions

if flag           

Condition = True when flag was previously set


if not flag           

Condition = True when flag was’nt previously set

then set flag

If condition was True, gets then sets the flag

then set flag

If condition was True, then clears the flag

and flag  ,  and not flag ,  or flag ,  or not flag  

self speaking conditions, to extend if conditions


Other Conditions and Functions

then save as ‘file’

If condition was True, then copies the content of the text editor as it is now to a filename defined under ‘filein the user defined Output Files Path ( Note : No path or folder allowed in ‘file’ )

then start delete

If condition was True, then sets a start of deletion flag at current text editor line

then stop delete

If condition was True, then , if start delete has been found upwards in the text editor, deletes all the lines from Start to Stop delete position.

then start copy

If condition was True, then sets a start of copy flag at current text editor line

then stop copy

If condition was True, then , if start copy has been found upwards in the text editor, copies  all the lines from start to stop copy position to the internal text buffer

then save copy as ‘file’

If condition was True, then copies the content of the internal text buffer to a filename defined under ‘filein the user defined Output Files Path ( Note : No path or folder allowed in ‘file’ )


then load and insert ‘file’

If condition was True, then loads an external text file defined under ‘file‘ located in the user defined Output Files Path and inserts the  text into the text editor ( Note : No path or folder allowed in ‘file’ )