Tag Archives: multiple bitmaps processing

Bitmap2LCD : Introducing The Programmable Graphic Processing

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable graphic and text processing tool.

Bitmap2LCD : Introducing The Programmable Graphic Processing

From Bitmap2LCD V2.9 and up to V3.0, then obsolete

( from V3.0+ these functions have been moved inside the single batch processing feature

The Graphic Processing Panel can be found in the Graphics Preview and Editors Window, by clicking the Graphic Processing Tab (red arrow)

The program field (green arrow) can’t be directly edited as text : The selection of functions and the edition of values and characters can only be done in the programming panel (gray arrow)

In the bar of icons (purple arrow) and the pop-up menu (blue arrow) (accessible by a right click) , you can edit a batch, activate a batch, list all existing processing batches and select one, The two icons pointed by the purple arrow are the Processing Start buttons : The left one starts a single Processing Pass, the right one starts the processing on multiple files, located in a selected folder.

A Graphic Processing Batch file has a .SIP extension

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The graphic processing settings are located in the Settings Window Graphic Proc Tab

There are the fields to define the batch in the list (at the top) and the source folder where the multiple files to process are located and their graphic extension (for example .bmp)

Note : To define this source folder, first select the folder in the file explorer and then click the yellow button below. The output files of a multiple file processing batch will be saved in a sub folder of the defined folder.

If not programmatically modified, the current main settings like color/grayscale the data output format and other settings are active when running the processing.

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