Tag Archives: anti aliased font

Import System Chars into the Font Editor

Bitmap2LCD is a tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems.

Import System Chars into the Font Editor

Update V3.7e – V3.8z  Standard Edition

From Version V3.9 watch this video

[ Editable Fonts : up to 256 colors ]


Let’s see how we can export selected characters out of a Windows System font into the Font Editor of Bitmap2LCD :

  • Create a GLCD Font Script by clicking the Main menu item or the Font Panel Button (blue arrow)
  • Choose a Font Name and define its size


  • In the “Ascii Grid“, select the chars you want to export, here for example A, B and C  (red arrow)
  • In the menu, click on item ” Start editable font Export > Editable (Translate LCD Font Script to an Editable Font (green arrow)


The “editable font” has been created. It is an Editable Font File (EFF) and an associated GIF file, which is the catalogue of char bitmaps. Both files are located in the Fonts folder.

  • Quit Font Script Creator mode and Open editable (orange Arrow)


In this example, the selected font name and font size were Aria Unicode MS and 20, in this case the filename of the file will be Arial Unicode MS_20Editable_Font.EFF


The patterns of theses 3 chars (green Arrow) can now be freely edited.

Example 2

In the first example above, the height of the chars is 25 pixels.

This time, we want to limit the Size of chars in Height and in Width and export a Fixed Size Font.

  • Change the first 3 Parameters (purple arrow) and you will see a red frame in the char View (green arrow)
  • Export To editable (blue arrow)


  • You get these editable chars


Families of Fonts in Bitmap2LCD

Families of Fonts in Bitmap2LCD

Bitmap2LCD is a software tool for programming small Graphic LCDs in embedded systems and a programmable text and graphic processing tool.

Update V3.7c

With Bitmap2LCD , you can of course write text and place symbols and glyphs inside the WORK CANVAS. by the way, Some system fonts families ARE collection of glyphs. You can find fonts on specialized websites like dafont.com and easily install them on you computer.

With Bitmap2LCD Standard Edition, you can also generate GLCD fonts to data arrays, in other words, convert the matrix of pixels of the glyphs into hexadecimal  data.

Families of Fonts


Generate GLCD Fonts from System Fonts ( Glyphs are not editable )

fontw Open / create a Font     exiz Quit Font Script Mode

Directly select chars to convert to data inside the ASCII grid



UNICODE FONTS ( International Characters Sets )

Generate GLCD Fonts from Unicode System Fonts ( Glyphs are not editable )

fontw Open / create a Font     exiz Quit Font Script Mode


EDITABLE FONTS ( Freely Editable Fonts )

Create glyphs from scratch or export Chars from a System Font ( Glyphs are editable )

qervg2 List Editable Fonts  scratchw Create Editable Font From Scratch

exiz Quit Editable Font Script Mode

Bitmap2LCD Editable Font



Generate anti-aliased Fonts, except in monochrome, 8 and 16 colors modes



Other buttons related to Fonts

Start  Create GLCD Font Data inside Text Editor

Start editable font  Export Selected Chars of a System Font to an Editable Font

exportcharw  Export the selected Char in the ASCII Grid to the WORK CANVAS
